Dialog für Frieden
Mannheim (and). 1. November 2010. Das Friedensplenum Mannheim lädt am 15. November 2010, 19 Uhr zur Diskussion Dialog für Frieden mit Oberstleutnant a. D. Jürgen Rose, in das Bürgerhaus nach Mannheim in Neckarstadt-West ein. Otto Reger, Friedens-Aktivist informiert zum Termin bei Radio TV IBS Liberty und Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters. Weitere und ausführliche Informatione sind bei www.frieden-mannheim.de zu finden.
Radio IBS Liberty is known also as Radio IBS Liberty and a part of IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty which has been founded in 1986 by the journalist, author, broadcast journalist Andreas Klamm and other journalists and author. Since 1986 Radio IBS Liberty is supporting international understanding. Radio IBS Liberty is an alternative and international media provider in the English, German and French language. For more information go to www.ibstelevision.com